Two of our most generous donors, Ms. Kayleigh Kulp and Mr. Jacob Munch, are donating to UER a vacant property to be the future site of a permanently protected Eco-Functioning Space in the Town of Riverdale Park, Prince George’s County, Maryland. When finished, it will not only regenerate native forests, but it will host creative nature play for local children.
Our inspiration for the nature play design will come in part from Nancy Striniste’s work, which you can view at
We are looking forward to working with the Town of Riverdale Park and the Greater Riverdale community to make this space a welcome respite from the bustle of daily life and a way to reconnect with nature for local children and the community as a whole.

UER is also proud to have been awarded a Keep Maryland Beautiful Grant to help fund the nature play design process.
Thank you to the Forever Maryland Foundation, and all of the Maryland agencies who have provided funding for our grant, for getting us started with funding for the regenerative nature play design.