February is your chance to learn about why you want Eco-Functioning Spaces in your neighborhood and how to create them!

On February 21st, learn about the Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification Program. Come hear about why the program was established and how it can help you.
Register for Get to Know the CBLP Program here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/get-to-know-the-cblp-program-resources-and-assistance-tickets-536549322467
At the webinar, you will learn about the Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) Certification Program and how the program can help you fulfill your environmental goals. The CBLP Certification program envisions a Chesapeake Bay watershed in which highly trained landscape professionals design, install, and maintain conservation landscapes and other green infrastructure that meet state and local goals to reduce stormwater runoff, sediment, and nutrients while benefiting residents and ecosystems. In furtherance of this vision, the CBLP program has developed a voluntary, regional (that is, watershed-wide), advanced credential system and network of sustainable landscaping professionals.
This webinar will explain (i) how the CBLP Certification program works and what its credential signifies, (ii) the problem it was created to address and the gap in the market it seeks to fill, (iii) how you can find the licensed professionals you need through CBLP resources, and (iv) how you can become a CBLP yourself.

On February 27th, learn how the Short Street Nature Preserve & Play Space incorporates a nature play model to promote health and interaction with nature.
Register for Introduction to the Short Street Project & the Nature Play Model here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nature-in-your-community-the-short-street-project-the-nature-play-model-tickets-534603482407.
At this webinar you will learn about the innovative Short Street Nature Preserve and Play Space, what the project was created to do, how it was designed to meet those goals despite numerous site constraints, and how we hope it will enrich the Lakelands Community in Gaithersburg, Maryland for many years to come. During the session, we will specifically highlight the incorporation of nature play features and discuss the importance of time in nature for our bodies — and the benefits of using nature play for part of that time. We will also discuss key ecological features of the Short Street project and nature play models that promote ecological well-being and human health at the same time.