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Company Spotlight: Love & Carrots

Graeme Logan, a volunteer with UER, sat down with Carly Mercer of Love & Carrots to explore how their work and approach align with UER’s mission.


Company Spotlight: Refugia Design

UER Board member David Rouse sat down with Refugia Design’s founder Jeff Lorenz to explore how Refugia’s work and approach align with UER’s mission.


UER Report: Ten Years of Growth and Impact

During its first decade, UER focused on defining EFS, creating metrics to measure ecosystem health on urban lands, establishing demonstration sites, and educating people about the importance of EFS development and long-term maintenance. UER sought to integrate these concepts into discussions among urban planners, environmental advocates, land trusts, and real estate developers.


Company Spotlight: Greening Urban, LLC

UER Board member David Rouse sat down with UER’s newest Board member and owner of Greening Urban, LLC, Chris Earley to find out more about how Greening Urban aligns with UER’s mission.

The Connection between Nature
Events & Webinars

The Connection between Nature & Your Health

You can watch our webinar “Nature & Your Health: The Short Street Model” with guest Phil Hosmer at NatureWorx here: Be sure to check

A New Day in Gaithersburg

A New Day in Gaithersburg, Maryland!

The Butterfly Commons Dedication Ceremony was a great success, and we are so proud of the beautiful signs that now mark the installation. Most exciting

Butterfly Common

Butterfly Commons – Installed!

The Butterfly Commons was installed in September. We had a COVID-style ribbon cutting to celebrate the installation. Present at the ribbon-cutting were (from left to

Restoring the Night
Guest Blog

Restoring the Night

When was the last time you saw the Milky Way? If you live in the DC metro area, probably not lately. A natural night sky

Amazing Resource on Conservation

UER Makes Diversity a Priority

UER recognizes that prioritizing diversity and inclusion is not just the right thing to do from an ethical standpoint; it is also central to UER’s

Amazing Resource on Conservation

UER’s Differentiating Core Principles

UER’s mission and work are grounded in 5 core operating principles that run counter to traditional thinking in the real estate and land use planning

Amazing Resource on Conservation

Frequently Asked Questions about UER

1.     What is UER? UER is a 501(c)(3) urban land trust that works with landowners and communities to restore the ecosystem in the Washington D.C.

UER is Green

UER is Green America Gold Certified

UER is pleased to announce that we are a Green America Gold Certified Business.  This certification indicates that both our mission and our operations meet

Amazing Resource on Conservation

UER receives Janice Hollmann Grant Award

The grant will enable UER to finalize development of our ecosystem restoration strategy for the Maryland suburbs of the District of Columbia. Urban Ecosystem Restorations,