I could not be more excited to announce our new program to include students in the work and mission of UER. We are now an approved SSL nonprofit in Montgomery County, and students are already working on our first SSL/volunteer-powered restoration project: removing an infestation of invasive vines (including English Ivy, Wintercreeper, Porcelainberry, and Wineberry) around the sign at the entrance to a local neighborhood in Bethesda. Our first day of vine removal generated 12 outdoor trash bags full of vines (and some litter), and we ran out of bags! We will be going back to take on the vines again in the next couple of weeks.
With UER’s help, this area will be transformed into a beautiful conservation landscape — welcoming residents and visitors alike to the beauty of the Glen Echo Heights neighborhood with the flavor of its native habitat. The replanting will likely be done in phases, beginning this spring.
This installation of a new Eco-Functioning Space will then be protected and maintained by UER, with the help of future student learners and local volunteers.
This installation of a new Eco-Functioning Space will then be protected and maintained by UER, with the help of future student learners and local volunteers.