Our Team
Board Of Directors
Urban Ecosystem Restorations is governed by a board of directors and advised by a technical advisory board of experts and community leaders who offer us their time and their expertise to protect and restore natural areas in the urban and suburban centers of our region.

Rachel Toker (Board Chair)
Sustainability Professional and Real Estate Lawyer

David Rouse, FAICP (Treasurer)
Urban + Regional Planning Consultant

Nate Goldman
Project Manager

Alex Crosby
Research Analyst, BridgeWater Real Estate Brokerage
Chris Earley
Principal at Greening Urban
Past Directors

Claudia Figueroa-Romero
Research Scientist

Fred Klein
Partner, DLA Piper LLP (US)

Kayleigh Kulp
Editorial Delivery Lead at Accenture

Jack Mangan
Urban Restorationist

Diarra McKinney
Chief Executive Officer, Rosewood Strategies

Michael Murillo
Vice President, US Capital Markets for Avison Young

Barbara Deutsch
Executive Director, Landscape Architecture Foundation

Ryan Moody
Principal, Moody Graham
Michael Nardolilli
Executive Director, Montgomery Parks Foundation

Adrian Washington
Founder and Principal, Neighborhood Development Company

Joe Wiedorfer
Senior Vice President, The NHP Foundation

Mary Wiedorfer
Vice President, KCI Technologies, Inc.
Joe Berg
Senior Restoration Ecologist, Biohabitats, Inc.

Scott G. Davis
Principal, SGD Urban Solutions

Dawit Negari

Ellena Ochoa
Landscape Design & Project Management

Catherine Potter
Sustainability and Business Strategist

Aimee Rogers
Principal, ArchAiro Blue

Trey Sherard
Outreach Coordinator and Biologist, Anacostia Riverkeeper

Mark Weinheimer
Principal, Weinheimer & Associates
Expert Advisory Panel
Aaron Grade, PhD (Communications Officer)
Urban Ecologist
Joe Berg
Senior Restoration Ecologist, Biohabitats, Inc.
Diane Cameron
Cameron & Associates
Beth Ginter, MPSLD
Lead Coordinator, Chesapeake Bay Professional Program
Carol Kegley
Landscape Designer
Robbin Marks
Fundraising Professional
Catherine Portrie, RN MS
Sustainable Landscape Designer
Karen H. Toker, MD, FAAP
Urban Child Health Consultant
Paul J. Tukey
Chief Sustainability Officer, Glenstone
Ryan Walker
Municipal Planning Specialist/Conservation Easement Program Manager, Natural Lands Trust
Daniel K. Slone
Partner, Vertical Vision PLC
Get Involved
If you have expertise in ecological restoration, native plants, sustainable design, green infrastructure, stormwater best management practices, hydrology, biodiversity, permaculture, or teaching STEM classes using nature as a guide, please contact us.